Authors | Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; February 8, 1688–March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of fifty-six he entered in ... Read more

Books by Emanuel Swedenborg

La Vraie Religion Chrétienne: Contenant Toute La Théologie De La Nouvelle Eglise, Volume 1...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Continuation Du Dernier Jugement Et Du Monde Spirituel...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcanes Célestes De L'écriture Sainte Ou Parole Du Seigneur Dévoilés......: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Divine Love And Concering The Divine Wisdom: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
An hieroglyphic key to natural and spiritual mysteries, by way of representations and correspondences. Translated from the Latin o: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Les Merveilles Du Ciel Et De L'infer Et Des Terres Planétaires Et Astrales, Tr. Par A.J.P.: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Swedenborg Perpetual Calendar: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Swedenborg Concordance: A Complete Work of Reference to the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg: Based on the Origin: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Sapientia Angelica De Divina Providentia: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia: The Heavenly Arcana Contained in the Holy Scriptures Or Word of the Lord Unfolded Beginning with th: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Concerning Heaven and Its Wonders, and Concerning Hell: From Things Heard and Seen - Primary Source Edition: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Summaria Expositio Doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae, Quae Per Novam Hierosolymam In Apocalypsi Intelligitur: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Future Life, Altered [by Lady J.f. Wilde] From The Tr. [by J. Clowes].: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Sapienta Angelica De Divino Amore Et De Divina Sapientia: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse Revealed, A Tr. [revised By W. Bruce].: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse Explained According To The Spiritual Sense Vol.III: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia: The Heavenly Arcana Contained in The Holy Scripture, or Word of The Lord, Unfolded;: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
True Christian Religion; Containing The Universal Theology Of The New Church: Which Was Foretold By The Lord, In Daniel, Chap. Vii: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Prodromus Principiorum Rerum Naturalium: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Compendium Of The Theological And Spiritual Writings Of Emanuel Swedenborg: Being A Systematic ... Epitome Of All His Religious: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana caelestia quae in Scriptura sacra, seu Verbo Domini sunt, detecta ... una cum mirabilibus quae visa sunt in mundo spirituum: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Heavenly Arcana Disclosed Which Are In The Sacred Scripture Or Word Of The Lord, Volume 12: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Heavenly Arcana Disclosed Which Are In The Sacred Scripture Or Word Of The Lord, Volume 16: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Swedenborg Library, Volume 1: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Swedenborg Library: Heaven: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Concerning Heaven And Its Wonders, And Concerning Hell: From Things Heard And Seen, Tr. By S. Noble: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Delitiae Sapientiae De Amore Conjugiali: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Miscellanea Observata Circa Res Naturales & Praefertim Circa Mineralia, Ignem & Montium Strata: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Summaria Sensus Interni Liborum Propheticorum: Psalmorum Davidis, Historicorum Verbi: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Heavenly Arcana Which Are In The Sacred Scripture Or Word Of The Lord, Laid Open, Together With Wonderful Things Which Were Seen I: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg