12 Amazing Revealing Secrets Of A Successful Student Life: Proven New Secrets To Be An A Student
by Osahon Idahosa 2020-05-29 04:23:17
How much information do you have about your discipline and the world around you? Remember you have a choice. How relevant you become in the world tomorrow is determined by the quality of information you have. Statistics have shown that only 20% of th... Read more
How much information do you have about your discipline and the world around you? Remember you have a choice. How relevant you become in the world tomorrow is determined by the quality of information you have. Statistics have shown that only 20% of the earth's population control over 80% of the earth-abundant resources; they are the achievers, the goal-getters, and the trailblazers. Why the other 80% struggles to survive. What this implies is that 80% of the earth's total population is working and creating wealth for the successful 20%. You may want to ask what makes one successful and the other unsuccessful? What makes one rich and the other poor? What makes one great and other small? What is the magnificent reason for the failure of students in school today? why do some students score A in a course while others drift through the marshy waters of 'E's and 'F's? The truth is, there is a 'secret'. Many students are mired and manacle by their fear of failure lost in thought as to how they can get what they want. It doesn't matter how poor the academic performances may have been, you can change it right now by practicing the principles discussed in this book. No matter what has happened before now, there is a space for you up the ladder, go for it. Become the student you were meant to be. This book is tailored to address areas in your life as a student that need improvement and to stir up the water of academic excellence within you. If you have been achieving success in academic pursuit you can still go further and better. But if you have not started, get ready to explode even before you will hit the middle page of this book. Research has shown that inadequate information produces deformation in all facets of life. Now, what is the information? Why do you need to be informed? The 12 Amazing Revealing Secrets Of A Successful Student Life will reveal to you some of the secrets that have made many students successful over the years. Explicitly elucidated in this book are twelve excavated secrets, essential for becoming successful. Every successful student today has a secret and it is this secret that stands them out. A success-driven student needs; · Vision: The supreme ingredient for achieving success.· Purpose: Everything on earth exists for a purpose and its constancy is the secret to success.· Determination: Because it takes the hammer of determination to drive home the nail of success.· Mentor: A student living without a mentor on campus to guide him or she on chosen field or discipline is like living as an orphan when he or she has parents.· Passion: Nothing great is ever accomplished without passion.· Discipline: We can think dream, plan, hope even pray but without discipline, our lives will be nothing more than empty wishes.· Take action: Action amplifies your ideas and vulcanizes your vision. You must move away from your comfort zone because you learn more about life and your capacity to succeed when you are uncomfortable. Create a goal that gets you so excited that you can hardly sleep at night. The best life has to offer out with you. Refuse to become a mental hobble, wallowing in the doldrum of academic infecundity. Successful students are successful readers, successful readers are successful leaders in their discipline. Study well these secrets and you will become that successful student and leader you have always desire to be. It is my earnest prayer that as you browse through this page of this book, the magnificent obsession of its writing will find its full expression in your life. I strongly recommend this book for every student regardless of where you are on this earth. It will produce in you what it talks about. It's timely innovation especially at this time when students' academic performance is on the decline..... Less
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  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.25
  • 106
  • Independently published
  • February 14, 2020
  • 9798613110858
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