21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Shipboard Operations (FM 1-564) - Army Aviation Unit Operations from Navy and Coast Guard Ships (Professional Form
by Progressive Management
2021-04-11 16:03:05
21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Shipboard Operations (FM 1-564) - Army Aviation Unit Operations from Navy and Coast Guard Ships (Professional Form
by Progressive Management
2021-04-11 16:03:05
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this Army Field Manual describes the tactics, techniques, and procedures for use by Army aviation units during operations from Navy and Coast Guard ships. It is written to...
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Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this Army Field Manual describes the tactics, techniques, and procedures for use by Army aviation units during operations from Navy and Coast Guard ships. It is written to reflect peacetime operations that may transition into warfighting execution and assumes that the deployment of Army helicopters is the result of careful presail planning. This manual is intended for commanders, staffs, aircrews, and instructors. It will be used to coordinate, plan, execute, and teach shipboard operations. Along with Navy publications, it provides information for developing a standardized, progressive program to train crews to proficiency on shipboard operations.PREDEPLOYMENT PLANNING * Mission Analysis * Preparation Mission Definition * Shipboard Helicopter Training Requirements * Service Responsibilities * Logistics * Presail Conference * Coordination * Number of Army Aircraft on Board the Ship * Checklist * Training Requirements * Aircrew Requirements for Training * Ground School Training * Initial Qualification and Currency Requirements * Ship Certification and Waiver * Detachment Certification * PREPARATION FOR FLIGHT OPERATIONS * Chain of Command * Command Relationship * Special Operations * Augmentation Support * Personnel Responsibilities * Flight Quarters Stations * Landing Signal Enlisted * Aircraft Handling * Fundamentals * Helicopter Recovery Tie-Down Procedures * Air Plan * Scope * Maintenance Test Flights * Flight Plan * Aqueous Film-Forming Foam System and Mobile Firefighting Equipment * SHIPBOARD AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL * Responsibilities * Aircraft Control Criteria * Control Zone or Control Area Limitations * Aircraft Separation Criteria * Communications Control * Emergency Control Procedures * Transient Aircraft * Lost Aircraft Procedures * LAUNCHING AIRCRAFT * Section 1. General Information * Operational Procedures * Air Officer and Aviation Unit Operations Duty Officer Responsibilities * Flight Deck Procedures * General Procedures * Preflight Inspection * Prelaunch Procedures * Aircraft Launches * Launch Procedures * Night Launches * Night Vision Device Considerations * EMCON or Zip-Lip Launch Procedures * Emergency After Launch * Helicopter Departure Procedures * Control of Departing Aircraft * AIRCRAFT RECOVERY * Arrival * Procedures * Lost Communications or Navigations Aids During the Approach * Aircraft Diversion * Preparation * Recovery With Ordnance * Helicopter Recovery Tie-Down Procedures * Night Recovery * Safety * Special Safety Precautions * Emission Control, Zip-Lip, and Lost Communication Procedures * AIRCRAFT AND WEAPONS HANDLING * Overview * General Requirements * Safety Briefing * Maintenance Liaison Officer * Equipment * Aircraft Handling * Aircraft Movement * Fueling and Defueling Aircraft * Medical Casualties on the Flight Deck * Weapons Handling * Procedures * Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance and Safety Precautions * Weapons Movement and Handling * LHA Class Weapons Handling Restrictions * Weapons Assembly and Disassembly * Weapons Loading and Downloading * Arming * Dearming * Abort Strikedown * Maintenance on Loaded Aircraft * AIRCRAFT HANDLING SIGNALS * AIRCRAFT ARMING AND SAFING SIGNALS * WEAPONS LOADING, STRIKEDOWN, DOWNLOADING, AND RECOVERY GUIDE * OPERATIONS FROM SINGLE-AND DUAL-SPOT SHIPS * STANDING OPERATIONS PROCEDURES FOR OVERWATER OPERATIONS * FLIGHT DECK CLOTHING AND DUTIES * HELICOPTER/SHIP INTERFACEAs a bonus, this reproduction includes the complete 2012 Army Leadership manual (FM 6-22), which describes the Army's view of leadership, outlines the levels of leadership (direct, organizational, and strategic), and describes the attributes and core leader competencies across all levels. The principal audience for ADRP 6-22 is all leaders, military and civilian.