梦回枫叶国(简体字版): Love in Canada (A novel in simplified Chinese characters) B&
梦回枫叶国(简体字版): Love in Canada (A novel in simplified Chinese characters) B&
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葛冰冰是加拿大家喻户晓的花样滑冰选手,可惜跨入成年组后每下愈况,连赞助费也被取消。为了不增加父母的负担,她投奔在多伦多的好友-梅莉,靠担任滑冰教练糊口,还因此结识一个奇特的家庭。男单选手欧阳睿是葛冰冰的师兄,他爱她,在她陷入低谷期时予以支持;她也爱他,但爱在心里口难开,加上从小到大的竞争对手Alice时不时介入,造成很多误会。就在一连串不如意事件中,还好有个堪称人生导师的网友(三叔)给予她慰藉,他像一束光照亮她的黑暗时刻,他是谁?中断滑冰事业的葛冰冰最后会不会再披战袍?Ge Bingbing was a well-known, Canadian figure skater, whose performance unfortunately waned when she moved into the adult league. The sponsorships dried up and so she went to Toronto to join her friend, Mei Li, making a living as a skating coach.Male Figure Skater, Ouyang Rui is Ge Bingbing's senior. He loves her and supported her when she was at rock bottom. She also loves him, but it is hard for her to admit,while vying for his attention, her competitor, Alice, often intervenes.