39 Most Widely Read War Novels: Introduction and Plot Summaries Students' Academy Author
by Students' Academy
2021-04-11 14:04:43
39 Most Widely Read War Novels: Introduction and Plot Summaries Students' Academy Author
by Students' Academy
2021-04-11 14:04:43
Wars have been an inevitable part of human world, for humans are prone to conflicts, arguments, fights, and wars. We have already fought two World Wars and then there have been several other wars such as Vietnam War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and so...
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Wars have been an inevitable part of human world, for humans are prone to conflicts, arguments, fights, and wars. We have already fought two World Wars and then there have been several other wars such as Vietnam War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, and so on.This book includes the introduction and summaries of 39 most widely read war novels from different writers from different countries. All these novels have their highly distinct place in the history of world literature.The brief summaries in this book will tell you what these books are about.All the bestStudents’ Academy39 Most Widely Read War Novels: Introduction and Plot SummariesCopyrightPrefaceA Farewell to ArmsAll Quiet on the Western FrontAndersonvilleBirdsongBlood MeridianCatch-22Cold MountainEnder's GameFor Whom the Bell TollsFrom Here to EternityJohnny Got His GunJohnny TremainLife and FateMarchMatterhornNames in MarbleRed Storm RisingSharpe's TigerShōgunSlaughterhouse-FiveSophie's ChoiceThe Book ThiefThe Bridge over the River KwaiThe Caine MutinyThe Eagle Has LandedThe Forever WarThe Good EarthThe Good Soldier ŠvejkThe Hunt for Red OctoberThe Killer AngelsThe Kite RunnerThe Last of the MohicansThe Naked and the DeadThe Quiet AmericanThe Red Badge of CourageThe War of the WorldsThe Winds of WarWar and PeaceWar and Remembrance