Skill-building flashcards that provide 600 essential AP terms for easy memorization using the convenience of on-the-go study
5 Steps to a 5: AP U.S. History Flashcards features 600 key terms that expert author Stephen Armstrong has selected as ones that frequently appear on AP U.S. History exams. This extra tool increases your knowledge and helps you achieve up to a maximum 5 score. You now have an additional way to master the key terms that are the basis of AP U.S. History success, delivered in a format that is convenient for your lifestyle.
Topics include: 1450-1650, The Settling of the Western Hemisphere and Colonial America . 1650-1750, The British Empire in America: Growth and Conflict . 1750-1775, Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution . 1775-1787, The American Revolution and the New Nation . 1787-1800, The Establishment of the New Political Systems . 1800-1820, The Jeffersonian Revolution . 1820-1845, The Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson . 1835-1860, The Union Expanded and Challenged . 1861-1865, The Union Divided: The Civil War . 1865-1877, The Era of Reconstruction . 1860-1895, Western Expansion and Its Impact on the American Character . 1870-1910, America Transformed into the Industrial Giant of the World . 1890-1913, The Rise of American Imperialism . 1895-1914, The Progressive Era . The United States and World War I . America in the 1920s: The Beginning of Modern America . The Great Depression and the New Deal . World War II . The Origins of the Cold War . The 1950s: Prosperity and Anxiety . America in an Era of Turmoil 1960-1975 . America from 1968-1988: Decline and Rebirth . America from 1988 to 2000: Prosperity and a New World Order . America from 2001 to 2006: The Threat of Terrorism and the Increase of Presidential Power . Contemporary America: Evaluating the "Big Themes" of American History