99 Classic Mystery Short Stories Vol.1
by Arthur Conan Doyle
2020-05-06 09:44:40
99 Classic Mystery Short Stories Vol.1
by Arthur Conan Doyle
2020-05-06 09:44:40
CONTENTS:ALGERNON BLACKWOOD1. ConfessionARTHUR B. REEVE2. The Beauty MaskARTHUR CONAN DOYLE3 to 14. The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesARTHUR QUILLER-COUCH15. The Affair of Bleakirk-on-SandsARTHUR STANWOOD PIER16. The Best FriendARTHUR STRINGER17. The ...
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CONTENTS:ALGERNON BLACKWOOD1. ConfessionARTHUR B. REEVE2. The Beauty MaskARTHUR CONAN DOYLE3 to 14. The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesARTHUR QUILLER-COUCH15. The Affair of Bleakirk-on-SandsARTHUR STANWOOD PIER16. The Best FriendARTHUR STRINGER17. The Adolescence of Number Eighty-Seven18. The Bell19. The Benevolence of Montana Bill20. The Button ThiefBARRY PAIN21. The Bottom of the Gulf22. With a Clear ConscienceCAROLYN WELLS23. The Adventure of the Clothes-lineCOMPTON MACKENZIE24. CarnageE. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM25. A Mad Christmas26. An Aristocratic Socialist27. An Unlucky RehearsalEDGAR FAWCETT28. The Current of ThingsEDGAR WALLACE29. The Agreeable CompanyELEANOR H. PORTER30. Angelus31. The Apple of Her EyeEMERSON HOUGH32. The Abducted BrideETHEL WATTS MUMFORD33. The Bells of CullamF. HOPKINSON SMITH34. Captain JoeFORREST CRISSEY35. The AchievementFRANCES HODGSON BURNETT36. Surly Tim's TroubleFRED M. WHITE37. A Gamble in Love38. A Liberal Education39. A Matter of Kindness40. Autumn ManÅuvres41. The Ace of HeartsG.B. LANCASTER42. The Brand of the WildGEORGE ADE43. The BacksliderGILBERT PARKER44. A Castaway of the South45. As Deep As the Sea46. At Point o' Bugles47. Barbara Golding48. The Baron of BeauguardH. BEDFORD-JONES49. A Question of Brains50. A Tiger HiltH.G. WELLS51. The AppleHAPSBURG LIEBE52. A Woman Keeps a SecretHAROLD BINDLOSS53. An Unofficial AffairHARVEY J. O'HIGGINS54. A Change of Profession55. Captain Keighley's Men56. Captain Meaghan's Retirement57. The Anonymous LettersHENRY C. ROWLAND58. 677-X-7: A Motor-Car TaleHONORE WILLSIE59. Afraid of the DarkHUGH PENDEXTER60. At the Belton ArmsJAMES BRANCH CABELL61. As the Coming of DawnJAMES HOPPER62. Banjo Nell63. The Failure64. The Maestro of BalangilangJAMES OLIVER CURWOOD65. The Copper-ShipJENNETTE LEE66. At the End of the RainbowJOSEPHINE DASKAM BACON67. Where Thieves Break InLEONARD MERRICK68. Aribaud's Two WivesMARGARET SHERWOOD69. All for LoveMARIE BELLOC LOWNDES70. A Citizen of CalaisMARJORIE BOWEN71. Dorinda Dares72. The Apple of VenusMARY HEATON VORSE73. The Ancient CourageMARY RAYMOND SHIPMAN ANDREWS74. The ButlerMAX BEERBOHM75. A. V. LaiderMAX PEMBERTON76. Barbara of the Bell House77. The Accursed GemsOCTAVUS ROY COHEN78. The Baboon's SisterPERCEVAL GIBBON79. Ambush80. The Adventure on a Portuguese Trader81. The Adventure with the Slave Dealer82. The AdventuressR. AUSTIN FREEMAN83. The Aluminum Dagger84. The Anthropologist at LargeRICHARD MARSH85. The AssassinROY NORTON86. Captain BillRUDYARD KIPLING87. Friendly Brook88. Mary PostgateRUPERT HUGHES89. At the Sixth TeeSAX ROHMER90. The Call of SivaSTACY AUMONIER91. Them OthersW. PETT RIDGE92. A Successful Conspiracy93. Ah Lun's giftW. W. JACOBS94. After the Inquest95. Choice SpiritsWILKIE COLLINS96. The Angler's Story Of The Lady Of Glenwith Grange97. The Lawyer's Story of a Stolen Letter98. The Nun's Story of Gabriel's MarriageWILLIAM RAINE99. A Meeting of His Creditors