Authors | William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon" ( ... Read more

Books by William Shakespeare

The Sonnets of William Shakspere: Rearranged and Divided Into Four Parts: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream: The Second Quarto, 1600 : A Fac-Simile in Photo-Lithography: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night: Or, What You Will: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Dramatische Werke, Volume 1: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Pseudo-Shakespearian Plays, Volumes 1-5: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Dramatische Werke: Bd. Ehrgeiz Und Leibe; Wer Ist Sie?; Das Portrait Der Mutter; Inkle Und Jariko; Der Ring; Der Diene: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Macbeth: with introductions, notes, glossary, critical comments, and method of study: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Dramatische Werke, Volumes 8-10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: With Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of His Life, and an Estimate of His Writings: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Tudor Shakespeare Volume 35: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Tudor Shakespeare Volume 8: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
King Henry The Eighth, A Tragedy: Written By William Shakspeare. Marked With The Variations In The Manager's Book At The Theatre-r: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakespeare. Volume The Fifth, Containing, The Second Part Of King Henry The Sixth. The Third Part Of King: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakespeare. Volume The Sixth, Containing, The Life And Death Of King Lear. Timon Of Athens. Titus Androni: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakespeare. Volume The Seventh, Containing, Julius Caesar. Antony And Cleopatra. Cymbeline. Troilus And C: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakespeare, In Eight Volumes, With The Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators; To Which Are A: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works Of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes. Collated With The Oldest Copies, And Corrected: With Notes, Explanatory, And Crit: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Plays Of William Shakspeare. In Ten Volumes. With The Corrections And Illustrations Of Various Commentators; To Which Are Adde: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
A Select Collection Of The Beauties Of Shakspeare: With Some Account, &c. Of The Life Of Shakspeare: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Timon D'athènes: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke, Volumes 3-4: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The Works of William Shakespeare: The Plays Ed. from the Folio of Mdcxxiii, with Various Readings from All the Editions and All th: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well; With Alterations By J.p. Kemble. As It Is Performed By His Majesty's Servants, Of The The: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Measure for measure. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The merry wives of Windsor; a comedy, written by Shakspeare; and revised by J. P. Kemble, Esq.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Friedrich Bodenstest's gesammelte Schriften, Neunter Band: 9-10: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: a tragedy. As it is now acted at the Theatres Royal, in Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. Written by W: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy. By William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
The life of Henry VIII. By Mr. William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
Julius Caesar. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants. By William Shakespear.: by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare