A Sketch of Durham for the Use of Visitors and Others
by Various
2021-01-07 15:32:27
A Sketch of Durham for the Use of Visitors and Others
by Various
2021-01-07 15:32:27
PREFACE. THE favorable reception accorded by the public to previous issues of this little work, justly sanctions the publication of another edition. In the preparation of this, some of the matter has been re-written, much of the remainder amended whi...
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PREFACE. THE favorable reception accorded by the public to previous issues of this little work, justly sanctions the publication of another edition. In the preparation of this, some of the matter has been re-written, much of the remainder amended while many faots of interest have been inserted both in the text and the notes. The Appendix also has been enlarged, more particularly by the introduction of an abstract account of the stained glass windows in the Cathedral New Assize Courts, New Masonic Hall, C., which it is hoped, will be found useful and enter- taining to our readers. For these improvements, the Editor acknowledges himself indebted, as before to the larger works of others who have written upon the same subject and in a ecarcely less degree CO the willing assistance rendered by many clerical and professional gentlemen, resident within the City of Durham. The Editor trusts that the united efforts of these gentlemen, may continue to receive the siamp of popular approbation, and that this work, small and snpretending though it be, may live to rank as a permanent and standard GUIDE BOOK for all visitors to this venerable City. Xadler-Xtreet, Durham, 1885. CONTENTS . PAGE . . . . . . . . .. 1 INTRODUCTORY THE CITY . . . . . . . . .... 9 THE CATHEDRAL . . . . . . . . . . 14 Preliminary Remarks . . . . . .... 14 North Entrance . . . . . . . . . 18 Nave . . . . . . . .... 19 Stained Windows in the Soath Aisle of the Nave . . 24 Monuments in the Nave . . . .... 25 Middle Transept . . . . . . . . . 27 Monuments in Middle Transept . . .... 31 The Choir . . . . . . . . . 31 Nine Altars . . . . . . .... 38 Monuments in Nine Altars . . . . . . 41 Lady Chapel. or Galilee . . . . .... 45 The Cloisters . . . . . . . . . P9 The Western Alley-Crypt . . . . .... 49 The South Alley -Library . . . . . . . . 50 The Eastern Alley-Chapter House . . .... 51 The North Alley .. . . . . . . .. 51 THE RE-OPENING OF THE CATHEDRAL . . .... 53 THE RESTORATIONS IN THE CATHEDRAL . . . 54 Choir . . . . . . . .... 56 Choir Screen . . . . . . . . 57 New Pulpit . . . . . . . . .... 57 Lectern . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Pavement of the Choir . . . . .... 58 The Stalls . . . . . . . .. 59 Altar Screen . . . . . . .... 59 The Organ . . . . . . . . .. 59 .. . . . . .. . . THE CASTLE . . . . . . CIVIL GOVERNMENT CORPORATE BUILDINGS . . . . PARISH CHURCHES. CHAPELS St . Nicholas . . . . . . St . Oswald . . . . . . St . Mary-le-Bow . . St . Mary-the-Less . . . . St . Margaret . . . . St . Cuthbert . . . . . . Framwellgate Moor Chapel of Ease St . Giles . . . . . . St . Cuthbert Catholic . . St . Godric Do . . . . . Presbyterian . . . . . . Chapel of the Independents . . Wesleyan . . . . . . New Connexion Methodist . . Primitive Methodist . . . . EDUCATION . . . . The University . . . University Libraries . . . . University Ofliceru . . . . Grammar School . . . . . . Blue Coat School . . . . Diocesan Training College for Males Training College for Females . MICELLANEOUS . . . . . County Hospital . . . . Penitentiary . . . . . Gaol. Assize Courts . . Masonic Hall . . . . . . County Court Offices . . . . Observatory . . . . . Obelisk . . . . . . Miners Hall . . . . . . Shakespeare British Workman . . National Provincial Bank of England Post Office . .