A Treatise of Witchcraft
By Alexander Roberts
14 Feb, 2019
IN these last dayes, and perillous times, among the rest of those dreadfull euills, which are fore-told should abounda in them, a close & disguised contempt of religion may be iustly accounted as chiefe, which causeth and bringeth vpon men all disast
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IN these last dayes, and perillous times, among the rest of those dreadfull euills, which are fore-told should abounda in them, a close & disguised contempt of religion may be iustly accounted as chiefe, which causeth and bringeth vpon men all disastrous effects, when although it be shadowed with a beautifull Maske of holines, faire tongued: yet false-harted,b professing they know God, but in works deny him. And among these there be two especiall sorts; the one, who entertaining a stubborne, and curious rash boldnes, striue by the iudgemẽt of reason, to search ouer-deeply into the knowledge of those things which are farre aboue the reach of any humane capacitie. Less