A Woman of No Importance Oscar Wilde Author
by Oscar Wilde
2021-04-02 16:25:24
A Woman of No Importance Oscar Wilde Author
by Oscar Wilde
2021-04-02 16:25:24
Book Excerpt: hat LordIllingworth is aiming at. I heard that he was offered Vienna. Butthat may not be true.LADY CAROLINE. I don't think that England should be representedabroad by an unmarried man, Jane. It might lead to complications.LADY HUNST...
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Book Excerpt: hat LordIllingworth is aiming at. I heard that he was offered Vienna. Butthat may not be true.LADY CAROLINE. I don't think that England should be representedabroad by an unmarried man, Jane. It might lead to complications.LADY HUNSTANTON. You are too nervous, Caroline. Believe me, youare too nervous. Besides, Lord Illingworth may marry any day. Iwas in hopes he would have married lady Kelso. But I believe hesaid her family was too large. Or was it her feet? I forgetwhich. I regret it very much. She was made to be an ambassador'swife.LADY CAROLINE. She certainly has a wonderful faculty ofremembering people's names, and forgetting their faces.LADY HUNSTANTON. Well, that is very natural, Caroline, is it not?[To Footman.] Tell Henry to wait for an answer. I have written aline to your dear mother, Gerald, to tell her your good news, andto say she really must come to dinner.[Exit Footman.]GERALD. That is awfully kind of you, Lady Hunstanton. [ToHESTER.] WillRead More