The Book of Fables: Chiefly From AEsop: by Aesop
by Aesop
The Fables of Aesop, as First Printed by William Caxton in 1484, With Those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, Now Again Edited and Ind: by Aesop
by Aesop
Trois cent soixante et six apologues d'esope; traduits en rithme françoise par maistre Guillaume Haudent. Reproduits fidèlement te: by Aesop
by Aesop
Three Hundred AEsop's Fables: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables: A New Version, Chiefly From the Original Sources: by Aesop
by Aesop
Selectiores AEsopi Phrygis fabulae, et Luciani Samosatensis dialogi. Isocratis orationes duae ad Demonicum & Nicoclem. Cebetis The: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables, in English & Latin, Interlineary, for the Benefit of Those who not Having a Master, Would Learn Either of These To: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsopi Phrygis Fabulae, nunc demùm ex collatione optimorum exemplarium ab infinitis penè mendis repurgatae: Unà cum nonnullis vari: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables and Satires: Fables From the Greek and Latin (Continued). Fables, Imitated From La Fontaine. Fables From the Lat: by Aesop
by Aesop
Aesop's Fables (Word Cloud Classics): by Aesop
by Aesop
Aesop'S Fables, in French: With a Description of Fifty Animals, Mentioned Therein, and a French and English Dictionary of All: by Aesop
by Aesop
Esopus; Volume 2: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables of AEsop and Others: Translated Into English. With Instructive Applications; and a cut Before Each Fable. By Samuel Crox: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop Naturaliz'd: In a Collection of Fables and Stories From AEsop, Locman, Pilpay, and Others. The Fourth Edition; Wi: by Aesop
by Aesop
Les Fables D'esope Phrygien, Avec Celles De Philelphe: by Aesop
by Aesop
The Aesop For Children: Illustrated By Milo Winter: by Aesop
by Aesop
Truth In Fiction: Or, Morality In Masquerade. A Collection Of Two Hundred Twenty Five Select Fables Of AEsop, And Othe: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables, Of AEsop And Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals And Reflections. By Sir Roger L'estrange, Kt. The Sixth Edition Corre: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsopi Fabulae, Anglo-latinae; Quarum Singulae In Distinctas Suas Periodos, Numericis Characteribus Annotatas, ... Dividuntur; ...: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables Of AEsop, And Others. Newly Done Into English. With An Application To Each Fable. Illustrated With Cuts. By S. Croxall, ...: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop naturaliz'd: in a collection of fables and stories from AEsop, Locman, Pilpay, and others. The fifth edition; wit: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop Revived; Or, Lilliputian Fables: Never Before Published. Adorned With Emblematical Head Pieces For The Amusement And Instruc: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables: With His Life, Morals, And Remarks. Fitted For The Meanest Capacities. To Which Are Added, Five Oth: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables Of AEsop And Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals And Reflections. By Sir Roger L'estrange Kt. The Eighth Edition Correc: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables, With Their Morals: In Prose And Verse. Grammatically Translated. Together With The History Of His Life And Death,: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables, With Instructive Morals And Reflections; Designed To Promote Religion, And Universal Benevolence. To Which Are Add: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables Of AEsop And Others. Newly Done Into English. With An Application To Each Fable. Illustrated With Cutts. The Fifth Edition.: by Aesop
by Aesop
AEsop's Fables: with his life, and morals and remarks. Fitted for the meanest capacities. The eleventh edition, wit: by Aesop
by Aesop
Fables and stories moralized. Being a second part of the Fables of AEsop, and other eminent mythologists, &c. By Sir Roger L'Estra: by Aesop
by Aesop
Sir Roger L'Estrange's Fables, with morals and reflections, in English verse. By Mr. E. Stacy.: by Aesop
by Aesop