by Sampson Ukwu
2020-07-01 15:18:37
Your Africana experience will first lay Africa bare before you, showing you its scars, wounds, pride, illusions, hopes, glories, and potentials. Then you will step into a realm where you are guided to make relevant step-by-step changes in your person...
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Your Africana experience will first lay Africa bare before you, showing you its scars, wounds, pride, illusions, hopes, glories, and potentials. Then you will step into a realm where you are guided to make relevant step-by-step changes in your personal life. Then you will go even higher into enriching your life with the kind of relationships that matters to you. This all begins with understanding what it takes to please a woman and how to pleasure a man. Then gradually, you will get to the Africana climax, where you wrap your life round your passion devoid of fear, worry, or any intimidation.