American Missionary, Volume 43, No. 2, February, 1889 Various Authors Author
by Various Authors 2021-04-12 01:13:52
This number of the MISSIONARY contains the annual list of our workers, who go down the Jericho road to care for those who have been wronged, the poor and ignorant, who need the Gospel. Our ministers and teachers are not like the priest and the Levite... Read more
This number of the MISSIONARY contains the annual list of our workers, who go down the Jericho road to care for those who have been wronged, the poor and ignorant, who need the Gospel. Our ministers and teachers are not like the priest and the Levite, who looked upon the poor man and then passed by on the other side; nor do they merely pity and utter words of sympathy. They take right hold and help. They pour in the oil and the wine, and they build the _inns_--that is, the churches and schoolhouses where they instruct and help the needy ones till they can take care of themselves and help to take care of others--the most genuine kind of assistance. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • New Century Books
  • November 16, 2010
  • 2940011839054
Book content is as a result of a concerted effort and can therefore not be attributed to one particular author....
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