The Mimic, A Tale...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The Novels Of Maria Edgeworth: In Twelve Volumes, Volume 3...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The Parent's Assistant...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Works, Volume 5...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales and Novels: Manoeuvring ; Almeria ; And, Vivian (Tales of Fashionable Life): by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Patronage Volume 4: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The Parent's Assistant, Or, Stories for Children, Volume 1: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Early Lessons: In Four Volumes, Volume 3: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales of Fashionable Life Volume 1: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales of Fashionable Life: by Miss Edgeworth; VOL. I: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales of Fashionable Life: by Miss Edgeworth; VOL. II: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Out Of The Debt Of Danger: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Forester: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Forgive And Forget: A Tale: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The Novels Of Maria Edgeworth: In Twelve Volumes, Volume 9...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Leonora, Volume 1: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Moral Tales: Angelina; Or L'amie Inconnue. the Good French Governess. Mademoiselle Panache. the Knapsack: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Leonora: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Waste Not, Want Not, Or Two Strings To Your Bow: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The Parent's Assistant, Or, Stories for Children, Volume 4: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales, and Miscellaneous Pieces, Volume 12: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales of Fashionable Life: by Miss Edgeworth; VOL. III: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Tales of Fashionable Life: by Miss Edgeworth; VOL. IV: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Popular Tales: Lame Jervas. The Will. The Limerick Gloves. Out Of Debt Out Of Danger. The Lottery. Rosanna: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Histoire Littéraire D'italie, Volume 7: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Maria Edgeworth; Selections From Her Works: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Orlandino...: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
The life and letters of Maria Edgeworth - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Harrington, a Tale; and Ormond, a Tale Volume 2: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth
Works, Volume 11: by Maria Edgeworth
by Maria Edgeworth