Authors | Susanna Gregory
Susanna Gregory
Susanna Gregory was a police officer in Leeds before taking up an academic career. She has served as an environmental consultant, worked seventeen field seasons in the polar regions, and has taught comparative anatomy and biological anthropology.She ... Read more

Books by Susanna Gregory

To Kill or Cure: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
Mystery in the Minster: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Vein Of Deceit: The Fifteenth Chronicle Of Mathew Bartholomew: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Bone Of Contention: The Third Chronicle Of Matthew Bartholomew: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
Murder By The Book: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Bone Of Contention: The Third Matthew Bartholomew Chronicle: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
The Executioner of St. Paul's (Thomas Chaloner Series #12) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Bone of Contention (Matthew Bartholomew Series #3) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Summer of Discontent (Matthew Bartholomew Series #8) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
A Killer in Winter (Matthew Bartholomew Series #9) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
The Hand of Justice (Matthew Bartholomew Series #10) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
The Mark of a Murderer (Matthew Bartholomew Series #11) Susanna Gregory Author: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
The Habit Of Murder: The Twenty Third Chronicle Of Matthew Bartholomew: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory
The Hand Of Justice: The Tenth Chronicle Of Matthew Bartholomew: by Susanna Gregory
by Susanna Gregory