Aunt Dimity And The Deep Blue Sea
by Nancy Atherton 2020-11-24 04:19:21
The eleventh cozy mystery featuring everyone’s favorite phantom-detective. Watch out for Nancy Atherton''s latest, Aunt Dimity and the King''s Ransom, coming in July 2018 from Viking!Nancy Atherton ’s Aunt Dimity novel... Read more
The eleventh cozy mystery featuring everyone’s favorite phantom-detective. Watch out for Nancy Atherton''s latest, Aunt Dimity and the King''s Ransom, coming in July 2018 from Viking!

Nancy Atherton ’s Aunt Dimity novels have enchanted thousands of readers, and this new addition to the series is likely to broaden the spell. A series of death threats sends Lori Shepard to a remote island off the Scottish coast and to a fabulous castle restored by an eccentric friend of her husband’s. But she finds herself drawn into an elaborate whodunit that may involve smuggling—or worse. Why has a human skull washed up on the beach? Is a desolate island really the best place to hide from a murderer? As Lori draws once more on Aunt Dimity’s supernatural aid, Atherton whips equal measures of whimsy and suspense into an irresistible confection.

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 6.7 X 4.2 X 0.85 in
  • 336
  • Penguin Publishing Group
  • February 6, 2007
  • English
  • 9780143038306
Nancy Atherton is the bestselling author of eighteen titles in the Aunt Dimity crime series. The first novel in the series, Aunt Dimity's Death, was voted "One of the Century's 100 Favorite Mysteries...
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