Aunt Dimity: Detective
by Nancy Atherton 2020-04-19 17:09:27
The delightful seventh installment of the bestselling and beloved Aunt Dimity series. Watch out for Nancy Atherton''s latest, Aunt Dimity and the King''s Ransom, coming in July 2018 from Viking!When Lori Shepherd returns from her trip to America... Read more
The delightful seventh installment of the bestselling and beloved Aunt Dimity series. Watch out for Nancy Atherton''s latest, Aunt Dimity and the King''s Ransom, coming in July 2018 from Viking!

When Lori Shepherd returns from her trip to America, she is shocked to hear that Prunella "Pruneface" Hooper has been killed. This is the first murder in the village of Finch in more than a century, and everyone is in an uproar. Before the town implodes in the wake of this scandal, Lori sets out to solve the murder. Unfortunately, nearly everyone in Finch had a reason to want Mrs. Hooper dead. With the help of the ghostly Aunt Dimity and Nicholas, the enigmatic (and charming!) self-defense instructor, Lori aligns motive, means, and opportunity to unravel this delightfully tangled and gossip-filled whodunnit. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 6.06x8.38x1.05inches
  • 274
  • Thorndike Press
  • January 28, 2003
  • English
  • 9780786238439
Nancy Atherton is the bestselling author of eighteen titles in the Aunt Dimity crime series. The first novel in the series, Aunt Dimity's Death, was voted "One of the Century's 100 Favorite Mysteries...
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