Aunt Dimity: Vampire Hunter
by Nancy Atherton 2021-01-02 03:32:42
Penguin''s popular Aunt Dimity series returns and "loyal fans will be thrilled by every new revelation"(Kirkus Reviews) Everyone''s favorite paranormal detective is back in Nancy Atherton''s thirteenth Aunt Dimity mystery-but this time Lori''s supern... Read more
Penguin''s popular Aunt Dimity series returns and "loyal fans will be thrilled by every new revelation"(Kirkus Reviews)

Everyone''s favorite paranormal detective is back in Nancy Atherton''s thirteenth Aunt Dimity mystery-but this time Lori''s supernatural confidante may not be the only one who''s not quite dead. Could the cloaked figure Lori''s twins saw in the woods near the family''s English country cottage really have been a vampire? Atherton''s ever-growing legion of fans and all fans of cozy mysteries will find themselves curling up with a nice cup of garlic- er, tea-for the most spine-tingling Aunt Dimity mystery yet.

Watch out for Nancy Atherton''s latest, Aunt Dimity and the Widow''s Curse, coming in May 2017 from Viking! Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 6.85 X 4.2 X 0.8 in
  • 304
  • Penguin Publishing Group
  • January 27, 2009
  • English
  • 9780670018543
Nancy Atherton is the bestselling author of eighteen titles in the Aunt Dimity crime series. The first novel in the series, Aunt Dimity's Death, was voted "One of the Century's 100 Favorite Mysteries...
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