Authors | Aristophanes
Aristophanes (c. 446 – c. 386 BC), son of Philippus, of the deme Kydathenaion, was a comic playwright of ancient Athens and a poet of Old Attic Comedy. Eleven of his forty plays survive virtually complete. These provide the most valuable examples o ... Read more

Books by Aristophanes

The Women of Homer: by .. Aristophanes
by .. Aristophanes
Scènes Choisies...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comedies. A New And Literal Translation From The Rev. Text Of Dindorf, With Notes And Extracts From The Best Metrical Versions Vol: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant Part Two: by .. Aristophanes
by .. Aristophanes
Comoediae, Quae Supersunt: Emendavit Et Interpretatus Est Franc. Valen. Fritzsche: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
[Aristophanis quatuor fabulae] Recensuit et critica annotatione instruxit. Fredericus Henricus Blaydes: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comedies. Translated Into Familiar Blank Verse, With Notes, Prelim. Observations on Each Play, Etc.; Volume 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comoediae;; 2: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Potter's Field ..: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Lysistrata (illustrated Edition) (dodo Press): by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Clouds, Edited on the Basis of Koch's Edition by M. W. Humphreys (Large Print Edition): by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Lustspicle Verdentscht Von Johannes Minckwitz [And J. E. Wessely]: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Knights. Rugby Ed., by A. Sidgwick: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Lustspiele; Volume 3: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Comoediae Undecim, Graece Et Latine, Volume 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Ecclesiazusae: Recensuit Adolphus Von Velsen: by . Aristophanes
by . Aristophanes
Aristofanes, Volume 3: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Opere Postume Di Vittorio Alfieri, Volume 2: by . Aristophanes
by . Aristophanes
Eclogae Aristophanicae: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Eight Comedies, Tr. Into Rhymed Metres By L.h. Rudd: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Plutos: Ein Lustspeil De Artisophanes: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comoediae, Volume 3...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristofßnous KomodÝas, Volume 7: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Komödien, Übersezt Von F. G. Welker...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Opera: Comment. In Ranas Et Aves, Volume 5...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Supplementum Aristotelicum, Volume 2: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Werke: Hrsg. Von G. L. F. Tafel .... Plutos, Volume 11: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanoys Ploytos: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Commedie Di Aristofane, Volume 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Comedies; Volume 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes