by Joe Kelly
2021-01-08 05:18:17
Vincente Ponticello has a new life. New York, the mob, and all its horrorsare a distant memory, and Vinnie is on his way to becoming a world-classballroom dancer...until Autumn blows into San Francisco. Autumn, the one whobroke his heart, the one he ...
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- Vincente Ponticello has a new life. New York, the mob, and all its horrorsare a distant memory, and Vinnie is on his way to becoming a world-classballroom dancer...until Autumn blows into San Francisco. Autumn, the one whobroke his heart, the one he left behind...begging Vinnie to pull one last job:Rob the sadistic mob boss who wants him dead so she can afford the genderreassignment surgery that will make her the woman Vinnie always wanted.
- Remastering the provocative Vertigo series, this new volume presentsBang!Tango as it was always meant to be!