Jan Kubica
1. Jan KUBICA PhD., DSc, Eng., - Full professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (Poland). Head of Department of Structural Engineering. Main areas of interest: masonry structures, concrete structures, composite structures, design
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1. Jan KUBICA PhD., DSc, Eng., - Full professor at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (Poland). Head of Department of Structural Engineering. Main areas of interest: masonry structures, concrete structures, composite structures, design and practice, codes and standards, advanced analysis of masonry walls under complex state of stress in aspect of stiffness of whole buildings and structures situated on terrain’s characterised by irregular settlements, analytical and numerical analysis of structures, maintenance and strengthening of different type of structures, testing of construction and materials, modern cement-based and lime-based materials, not-metallic reinforcement and graphene using in building materials applications, monitoring and diagnostics of structures. Member of the International Masonry Society and The Masonry Society. Convener of the CIB W023 Commission “Wall structures”. Member of the CEN TC250 SC6 PT2 and CEN TC250 SC6 PT3 project teams. Since many years member of the Polish Standardizing Committees: KT 102 (design problems), KT 213 (concrete structure), KT 233 (masonry structures), KT 252 (design of masonry structures). Expert member of RILEM Technical Committees. Author and co-author of 4 monographic books and above 200 scientific publications.2. Arkadiusz KWIECIEŃ Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. - professor of CUT at the Cracow University of Technology in Structural Mechanics in Civil Engineering. Involved in research on repair and strengthening of masonry and concrete structures, structural mechanics and dynamics, composite strengthening of structures, inventor of Polymer Flexible Joints, Chief Executive Officer of spin-off company FlexAndRobust Systems Ltd. Member of the RILEM Technical Committees TC 223 MSC, TC 250-CSM, TC IMC and of ACI 549 – RILEM TC 250 Liaison Subcommittee, expert member of the ICOMOS Technical Committee ISCARSAH - International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage, member of the Management Committees of COST Actions TU1207 and CA15202. Author and co-author of above 200 scientific publications.3. Łukasz BEDNARZ Ph.D., Eng., - assistant professor at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Professional interests: masonry structures, documentation, analysis of the state of preservation, maintenance and strengthening of structures (especially heritage structures), testing of construction and composite materials, monitoring and diagnostics of structures. Author and co-author of many scientific papers and design projects on issues related to the analysis, strengthening and monitoring of masonry structures. Member of: ICOMOS Poland, ICOMOS Technical Committee - CIPA International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry, ICOMOS Technical Committee - ISCARSAH International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage, AICO - Associazione Italiana Compositi, SKZ - Polish Association of Monument Conservators, thematic editor (masonry structures) of the Journal of Heritage Conservation.