BROKEN: Picking up the Pieces After the Fall
by Paul Murray
2021-01-20 12:56:10
BROKEN: Picking up the Pieces After the Fall
by Paul Murray
2021-01-20 12:56:10
Everyone experiences failure in some form or fashion through the span ofhis or her life; it''s just a natural part of living. Even though failure occursacross a broad spectrum of human dynamics, its result is often manifested inthe private areas of o...
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Everyone experiences failure in some form or fashion through the span ofhis or her life; it''s just a natural part of living. Even though failure occursacross a broad spectrum of human dynamics, its result is often manifested inthe private areas of one''s life or in the public sphere of society. Dr. Murrayillustrates through personal experiences and Scripture how the potential forhuman success often lies within the kernel of our most extreme failings.Broken is the story of one man''s failure and how he chose to rise above thecircumstances resulting from the disgrace that followed. Using the Bible as afoundation, Dr. Murray identifies Biblical leaders who failed and how theywere able to gain wisdom throughtheir personal failures. He infuses hisown life experiences with constructivesteps and Biblical insights for pickingup the pieces after the fall.Although Broken incorporates verypractical advice - outlining sequentialsteps in the process of turning failureinto success - it is so much morethan just a self-help book. Readersare offered a glimpse into eternityand are encouraged to choose thenarrow pathway leading to heaven''sdoor. Aspects of our human frailtyare sensitively exposed, helping boththose who find themselves judgingothers, as well as those being judged,to discern a better method of dealingwith failure. The path to restoration isclear and well defined in Scripture forthose who choose true repentance anda contrite heart before God. Dr. Murrayexplains why failure does not have tobe final. He also presents the fascinatinginsight that what we do in secret areseeds planted in our souls - using ourprivate time to build personal integritycan prevent a mindset which encouragesfailure.The focus of Broken includes adviceon how to move past your failure, withBiblical examples showing how God''sservants managed this. Replicating thewisdom of these ancients and distillingit into the fast pace of our modern lives,Dr. Murray sets his readers on a pathto rebuilding their credibility afterhaving experienced failure. Picking upthe broken pieces of a life shattered byfailure is not an overnight process. Itneeds time and a well-constructed planof action. Broken presents this plan,incorporating a Biblical perspectivefor the individual who actively seeksrestoration, but which also includes therole of leadership in restoration. Thosein positions of leadership will benefitfrom the wise counsel presented.The journey of personal transformationoffered in this book will reveal to youwhy God allows human beings toexperience failure. Ultimate success isoften achieved as a result of overcomingpast failures. Those who are able to graspthis simple truth will also understand thatusing and sharing the wisdom gainedthrough failure might actually be partof God''s plan for your life. Redolentwith practical and Biblical themes ofencouragement and success, Brokenemphasizes the fact that in all things Godworks for the good of those who love Him