Ceremony of Passing
by D. H. Lawrence 2021-01-04 14:41:14
We are to examine now a Ceremony which, because it is less dramatic and spectacular than that of the First Degree, is often regarded as a somewhat colorless interlude between the impressive surprises of the one which precedes and the awesome grandeur... Read more
We are to examine now a Ceremony which, because it is less dramatic and spectacular than that of the First Degree, is often regarded as a somewhat colorless interlude between the impressive surprises of the one which precedes and the awesome grandeur of the one which follows it. Being a 'veil of allegory' the Ceremony must not only be looked at but looked through, if its significance is to be realized. The Ceremony is called one of 'passing', since it relates to a midway, transitional phase of personal experience through which every aspirant to perfection must inevitably pass before he can think of attaining the ultimate degree of soul-development and mastership to which our system leads. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781417915675
David Herbert Lawrence was an English writer and poet. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection upon the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. Some ...
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