Ulf Paul Breuer
Ulf Breuer has studied mechanical engineering at theuniversities of Darmstadt, Manchester und Kaiserslautern, where he graduated in1993. After his military service he worked as scientific assistant at theInstitute of Composite Materials in Kaiserslau
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Ulf Breuer has studied mechanical engineering at theuniversities of Darmstadt, Manchester und Kaiserslautern, where he graduated in1993. After his military service he worked as scientific assistant at theInstitute of Composite Materials in Kaiserslautern. After he received hisdoctorate degree from the University of Kaiserslautern in 1997, he accepted aposition at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), where he worked on thedevelopment of advanced composite wing structures. In 1999 he joined Airbus andworked as a project leader of new high lift devices structure technology. In2002 he accepted the position as head of composite technology Airbus Germany,in which he was responsible for material and process development andqualification. From 2006 to 2010 he was leading the fuselage structuredevelopment for future aircraft at the Airbus headquarters in Toulouse. In 2010he received a call from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern for a fullprofessorship on composite technology as well as for the management of theInstitute of Composite Materials. Ulf Breuer holds various airframe patents andhas published textbooks and scientific papers on composite technology. He is an active member of the DGM(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde), the DGLR (Deutsche Gesellschaft fürLuft-und Raumfahrt-Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.) and the VDI (Verein DeutscherIngenieure).