Authors | Aristophanes
Aristophanes (c. 446 – c. 386 BC), son of Philippus, of the deme Kydathenaion, was a comic playwright of ancient Athens and a poet of Old Attic Comedy. Eleven of his forty plays survive virtually complete. These provide the most valuable examples o ... Read more

Books by Aristophanes

Comoediae: Ad Optimorum Librorum Fidem Accurate Editae, Volume 3: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Revolt Of The Women, A Free Tr. By B.b. Rogers...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Works: Ecclesiazusae: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Die Frösche des Uriftophanes.: Eine Komoedie...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Frogs, With Intr. and Notes by W.W. Merry: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Werke: Hrsg. Von G. L. F. Tafel .... Die Wespen, Volume 5: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Eqvites: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comoediae;; 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Joannis Caravellae epirotae Index Aristophanicus ex codice Bodleiano ... Nunc primum editus: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Opera: Comment. In Lysistrat. Thesmophor. Indices In Commentarios, Volume 8: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Knights, Parts 1-2...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Clouds (dodo Press): by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Die Vögel: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Quatuor Fabulae, Equites, Nubes, Vespae, Ranae, Recens. Et Copiosa Annotatione ...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Le Donne a Parlamento: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Werke, Volume 1: by . Aristophanes
by . Aristophanes
The Works of John Hookham Frere in Verse and Prose: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Equites: Ex Recensione Guilielmi Dindorfii: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophane's Lustspiele, Fuenfter Band: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Frogs, A Comedy. Translated From The Greek Of Aristophanes, By C. Dunster, A.m.: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Lustspiele; Volume 2: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Comoediae: Ex Optimus Exemplaribus Emendatae : Cum Versione Latina, Volume 1: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanis Comoediam Plutum: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Aristophanes Werke Im Alten Versmaass, Volumes 6-11: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Comédies, Trad. Du Grec Par Artaud...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Werke: Die Wespen. Die Achareser. Die Ritter, Volume 2: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Wasps...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
The Comedies Of Aristophanes, Volumes 1-2...: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Clouds, Edited on the Basis of Koch's Edition by M. W. Humphreys - Scholar's Choice Edition: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes
Opera, Volume 3: by Aristophanes
by Aristophanes