by Joye Bridal 2021-04-07 01:58:00
IntroductionNo matter what kind of business you’re in, conversions are king. The bottom line of any business is making money, and the root of that money ishow well your product or service converts.Even if you’re just in the business of advertisin... Read more
IntroductionNo matter what kind of business you’re in, conversions are king. The bottom line of any business is making money, and the root of that money ishow well your product or service converts.Even if you’re just in the business of advertising affiliate products, you canwork on your own conversions in your email marketing, your videos, yourreports, or any other marketing materials you use.It’s unfortunate that so many people ignore conversions as being a minorthing. Really, they’re not minor at all.Let’s look at an example of how a small change in conversions could mean a big difference in profits.Let’s say you make a minor change to your call-to-action that nets a modest increase in conversions from 4% to 5%. At 4%, you might be making four sales at $50 commission per 1,000 visitors to your site. That makes you $200 in commission. But at 5%, you’d be making 5 sales, for atotal of $250 commission. A difference of 1% may not seem that big, but a difference of $50 seems more significant, doesn’t it?In this report, you’re going to learn some simple, yet astoundingly powerfulways to improve your conversions, no matter what type of marketing you’redoing. You’ll learn to improve sales pages, emails, blog posts, videos…just about anything you can think of!So let’s get started. Less
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 20
  • Joye Bridal
  • August 18, 2014
  • 2940150734210
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