Critical Race Theory Debunked Tarl Warwick Author
2024-09-10 23:17:20
Critical race theory is one of the hot button issues of the current era. But what is it? What does it actually claim? Here, a definition is given based on five premises promoted under the general banner of CRT, and the premises analyzed and rebutted.... Read more
Critical race theory is one of the hot button issues of the current era. But what is it? What does it actually claim? Here, a definition is given based on five premises promoted under the general banner of CRT, and the premises analyzed and rebutted. The self-professed Marxist influence behind aspects of CRT is noted, accepted, and explored. The unhelpful nature of CRT- and in some cases its use by the corrupt- is acknowledged.Indeed, as will be seen, critical race theory promotes historical revisionism while claiming to document legitimate history, promulgates racism while stressing the need for anti-racism, and even refutes itself on several different social and legal levels. All this is done while uplifting not one life, helping not one person of any race or ethnicity, and while being used by corrupt politicians and selfish self-styled leaders to promote their careers and make money. If anything, its acceptance by society at large would be divisive and intellectually bankrupt. Less
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