Cross My Heart
by James Patterson 2021-05-28 04:41:31
James Pattersonraises the stakes to their highest level ever when Alex Cross becomes theobsession of a genius of menace set on proving that he is thegreatest mind in the history of crime.Detective Alex Cross is a family man at heart-nothing... Read more

James Pattersonraises the stakes to their highest level ever when Alex Cross becomes theobsession of a genius of menace set on proving that he is thegreatest mind in the history of crime.

Detective Alex Cross is a family man at heart-nothingmatters more to him than his children, his grandmother, and his wife, Bree. Hislove of his family is his anchor and gives him the strength to confront evil inhis work. One man knows this deeply and uses Alex''s strength as a weaponagainst him in the most unsettling and unexpected novel of James Patterson''scareer.

When the ones Cross loves are in danger, he will doanything to protect them. If he does anything to protect them, they will die.

Cross My Heart is the most powerful Alex Cross novel ever, propelled by theever-ingenious mind of James Patterson, the world''s number one bestsellingwriter.

  • ISBN
  • 9780316210928
James Brendan Patterson (born March 22, 1947) is an American author and philanthropist. Among his works are; Alex Cross, Michael Bennett, Women's Murder Club, Maximum Ride, Daniel X, NYPD Red, Witch ...
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