Authors | Theophrastus
Born Greece Genre: Psychology, Philosophy Theophrastus (Greek: Θεόφραστος; c. 371 – c. 287 BC[1]), a Greek native of Eresos in Lesbos, was the successor to Aristotle in the Peripatetic school. He came to Athens at a young age and ini ... Read more

Books by Theophrastus

Charakt?eres ?ethikoi: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères De Théophraste: Et La Suite, Traduite Du Grec. Avec Les Caractères, Ou Les Moeurs De Ce Siècle, Volume 2...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrastou Charakteres ethikoi. Theophrasti Characteres ethici. Graece & Latine. Cum notis ac emendationibus Isaaci Casauboni &: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères: Traduits Du Grec, Volume 1: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Characteres, Seu, Notationes Morum Atticorum: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
The moral characters of Theophrastus. Translated from the Greek, with notes. To which is prefix'd A critical essay on characterist: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrasti Eresii Opera Quae Supersunt Omnia: by . Theophrastus
by . Theophrastus
Theophrasti Characteres Et Philodemi De Vitiis Liber Decimus: Accendunt Characterismi Duo Ex Rutilio Lupo Et Ex Rhetoricis Ad Here: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères De La Bruyère. Suivis Des Caractères De Théophraste: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Naturgeschichte der Gewächse, Erster Theil - Primary Source Edition: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caracteres: Avec Les Caracteres Ou Les Moeurs De Ce Siecle Par M. De La Bruyere, Volume 2...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrasts Kennzeichen Der Sitten: Zwey Theile. Nebst Des Herrn Johann De La Bruyere Mitgliedes Der Franz?sischen Akademie Morali: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Gemmarum Et Lapidum Historia: Quam Olim Edidit Anselmus Boetius De Boot ...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Enquiry Into Plants And Minor Works On Odoã1rs And Weather Signs Volume 2: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrasti Characteres, Ed. H.E. Foss: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractéres De Théophraste, Avec Les Caractéres Ou Les Moeurs De Ce Siécle, Par M. De La Bruyére. Coste...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Naturgeschichte der Gewächse, Erster Theil: Uebersetzung, Volume 1...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères De Théophraste, Volume 1...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères De Théophraste, Volume 2...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
The moral characters of Theophrastus, translated from the Greek by Eustace Budgell Esquire.: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Collection des Moralistes Anciens: dédiée au roi: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
The characters of Theophrastus. Translated from the Greek, by Eustace Budgell, Esq. The third edition.: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrastus Von Den Steinen, Aus Dem Griechischen: Nebst Hills Physicalischen Und Critischen Anmerkungen, Und Einigen In Die Natu: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caracteres: Avec Les Caracteres Ou Les Moeurs De Ce Siecle Par M. De La Bruyere, Volume 1...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Les Caractères De Théophraste: Avec Les Caractères, Ou Les Moeurs De Ce Siècle ... / La Bruyère...: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Enquiry Into Plants And Minor Works On Odours And Weather Signs Volume 1: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Theophrast's Naturgeschichte Der Gew?chse: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Enquiry Into Plants and Minor Works on Odours and Weather Signs, With an English Translation by Sir Arthur Hort, Bart; Volume 1: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
The Moral Characters of Theophrastus. Translated From the Greek, by Eustace Budgell, Esq. The Second Edition: by Theophrastus
by Theophrastus
Enquiry Into Plants And Minor Works On Odoùrs And Weather Signs, Volume 2: by . Theophrastus
by . Theophrastus