Dead Man's Plack and an Old Thorn
By William Henry Hudson 22 Jun, 2020
"The insect tribes of human kind" is a mode of expression we are familiar with in the poets, moralists and other superior persons, or beings, who viewing mankind from their own vast elevation see us all more or less of one size and very, very small. ... Read more
"The insect tribes of human kind" is a mode of expression we are familiar with in the poets, moralists and other superior persons, or beings, who viewing mankind from their own vast elevation see us all more or less of one size and very, very small. No doubt the comparison dates back to early, probably Pliocene, times, when some one climbed to the summit of a very tall cliff, and looking down and seeing his fellows so diminished in size as to resemble insects, not so gross as beetles perhaps but rather like emmets, he laughed in the way they laughed then at the enormous difference between his stature and theirs. Hence the time-honoured and serviceable metaphor. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 373.642 KB
  • 60
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1444686784
William Henry Hudson (4 Aug 1841 – 18 Aug 1922) was an author, naturalist, and ornithologist. He spent his youth studying the local flora and fauna and observing both natural and human dramas on wha...
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