Authors | Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg
Emanuel Swedenborg (born Emanuel Swedberg; February 8, 1688–March 29, 1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of fifty-six he entered in ... Read more

Books by Emanuel Swedenborg

De sale communi, hoc est de sale fossili vel gemmeo marino et fontano: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Itinerarium ..: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Apocalypse Explained; Volume III: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcana Coelestia; Volume 4: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Indian Myth and Legend: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Romance and Legend of Chivalry: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Common Sense Entrepreneurial Management: Building a Better Business in Spite of Yourself: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Doctrine Of Life: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Heaven And Hell, Also The Intermediate State, Or World Of Spirits: A Relation Of Things Heard And Seen: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Apocalypsis Explicata Secundem Sensum Spiritualem: Ubi Revelantur Arcana, Quae Ibi Praedicta, Et Hactenus Recondita Fuerunt ...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Theological Works: The Delights Of Wisdom Pertaining To Marriage Love: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Theological Works, Volume 9: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
[works: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Apocalypse Explained: Chapters Xvii-xx: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Arcanes CÚlestes De L'ecriture Sainte Ou Parole Du Seigneur DÚvoilÚe, Volume 10...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
La Sagesse Angélique Sur Le Divin Amour Et La Divine Sagesse...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Conjugial Love And Its Chaste Delights: Also, Adulterous Love And Its Sinful Pleasures...: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Delights Of Wisdom Pertaining To Conjugial Love: After Which Follow The Pleasures Of Insanity Pertaining To Scortatory Love: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Swedenborg's Works, Volume 5: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The True Christian Religion, Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church, Foretold by the Lord in Daniel Vii, 13, 14, and: by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
by Emanuel 1688-1772 Swedenborg
Coronis: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Mythology of Greece and Rome with Special Reference to Its Use in Art 1896: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Luck and Talismans: A Chapter of Popular Superstition: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Campfire and Trail 1943: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Die wahre christliche Religion, enthaltend die ganze Theologie der neuen Kirche, Zweiter Band: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Ten Commandments: The Secrets Of Spiritual Growth Found In God's Principles For Living: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Swedenborg's Works: Apocalypse Revealed: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
The Useful Life: A Crown To The Simple Life: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Theological Works, Volume 5: by Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg