Dictionary of Dates
by Various 2021-01-31 13:31:49
Here, in alphabetical order, are all the important dates in world history - arranged and grouped by subject in the way most likely to be of service to the general reader. Do you want to know the date of the joint remilitarization of the Aaland Isles ... Read more
Here, in alphabetical order, are all the important dates in world history - arranged and grouped by subject in the way most likely to be of service to the general reader. Do you want to know the date of the joint remilitarization of the Aaland Isles in the Gulf of Bothnia? - here it is, practically the first item in the book. Or the dates of 'Abdications of Sovereigns, ' including fifteen in the last twenty years? - see also page one. Perhaps you wish to consult alphabetical lists of dates in English History, Literature, and Art, or similiar dates in the realms of Greece, France, Germany, U.S.A, Russia or other countries? Or the dates of the Popes? Or of the first Great War? Or of the great musical composers? This little book will stand up to tests of all kinds. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781443733908
Book content is as a result of a concerted effort and can therefore not be attributed to one particular author....
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