Dr. Lord's Development Of Supernatural Human Power
by (none) 2021-02-03 13:38:24
She saw a vision of her grandpa who was already on the other side when she was born. She felt an unexplained overwhelming sadness, her face flooded with tears, accomnpanied by the familiar scent of her mother. Visions that refused to leave her until ... Read more
She saw a vision of her grandpa who was already on the other side when she was born. She felt an unexplained overwhelming sadness, her face flooded with tears, accomnpanied by the familiar scent of her mother. Visions that refused to leave her until she was led to the ancestral land of her grandpa that was illegally mortgaged by a relative and was to be foreclosed in a matter of days. Her dreams guided her to stop the foreclosure. She had experienced many psychic "pops," prophetic dreams, psychokinesis, mental telepathy and out of body experiences. Her psychic Aunt Sidra healed her broken neck with leaves and prayers. Her medicine woman mother, in a primitive barrio knew when she was sick while she was studying in the city five hundred miles away from home. Even today, though her mother is already on the other side, she still guides her through her dreams. Wanting to understand her experiences drove her to research the development of psychic power from the Greeks to the present time. She used quantum physics theories, and ancient hermetic principles to explain psychic vibrations, how they are developed and change our lives. She changed her life from a dirt poor fieldhand earning fifteen cents a day in the Philippines to a Ph.D. in America, the author of seven books, crowned Ms. Asia International, recipient of the United States Army Plaque for Inspirational Contribution and a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. She had been featured on KSDK, KMOX, St. Louis Post Dispatch, St. Louis Journal, Philippine News, Spanish Lake Word, etc. She was a speaker at the 11th Annual St. Louis Teachers' Conference on Character Education, a speaker at Missouri Baptist University, Lindenwood University, etc. She is the author of From Fieldhand to Ph. D. Motivation for Success and Happines, (book and workbook), Dr. Lord's Supersonic Speed Reading and Writing, Dr. Lord's Excellence Education: Anger and Stress Management, Self-Esteem Development and Ethical Decision Making, and Dr. Lord's Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide to their Understanding and Management. Most importantly, she teaches the secret of how she developed her psychic power, which she hopes the readers can learn. Dr. Lord's books are available at her website: www.drudislord.com and www.amazon.com Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780937571088
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