Authors | Molière
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, also known by his stage name, Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature. Among Molière's best-known dramas are Le Misanthrope, (The Misanthrope), ... Read more

Books by Molière

Tartuffe Or the Hypocrite: By Molière
By Molière
Świętoszek Molière Author: by Molière
by Molière
by Molière
Comedias: Tartufo, El burgus: by MOLIERE
Don Juan and Other Plays: by MOLIERE
Oeuvres De Molère: Avec Des Notes De Tous Les Commentateurs, Volume 1: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres De Molère: Avec Des Notes De Tous Les Commentateurs, Volume 2: by Molière
by Molière
The Comic Theatre: Being a Free Translation of All the Best French Comedies, Volume 4: by Molière
by Molière
The Mock Doctor; Or, The Dumb Lady Cured. A Ballad Farce, In Two Acts, Written By Mr. Henry Fielding. As Performed At The Theatres: by Molière
by Molière
Dramatic Works, Volume 2: by Molière
by Molière
Le Malade Imaginaire; Edited By Everett Ward Olmsted: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Dramatic Works; Rendered Into English By Henri Van Laun. A New Ed., With A Prefatory Memoir, Introductory Notices And Notes: by 1622-1673 Molière
by 1622-1673 Molière
Les Oeuvres, Volume 1...: by Molière
by Molière
Le Dépit Amoureux: Comédie Réduite En Deux Actes...: by Molière
by Molière
Le Dépit Amoureux: Comédie En 5 Actes, En Vers...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres, Volume 5...: by Molière
by Molière
Le Dépit Amoureux: Comédie, En Vers En Cinq Actes...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres, Volumes 7-8...: by Molière
by Molière
Sainete titulado Las preciosas ridículas: by Molière
by Molière
La Critique De L'éscole Des Femmes: by . Molière
by . Molière
Oeuvres, Volume 7...: by Molière
by Molière
Oeuvres: Avec Des Notes De Tous Les Commentateurs, Volume 2...: by Molière
by Molière
Sämmtliche Lustspiele, Volume 3...: by Molière
by Molière
Don Juan ; Les Précieuses Ridicules - Primary Source Edition: by Molière 1622-1673
by Molière 1622-1673
Les Précieuses Ridicules: Éd. Originale: by Molière
by Molière
The Precious Ridiculous: Comedy In One Act: by Molière
by Molière
Het Gedwongene Huuwelyk: Blyspel In Vaerzen Aan Bezondre Maat, Noch Rym Gebonden: by Molière
by Molière
Dos Cartas Autógrafas É Inéditas De Blanco White Y El Enfermo De Aprehensión: by Molière
by Molière
uvres, Volumes 3-4...: by Molière
by Molière