Education As A Force
by Rudolf Steiner 2020-12-29 19:43:09
These lectures were given one month before the opening of the first Waldorf School in September 1919, in the context of Germany's postwar social ferment. Steiner points to negative tendencies present in modern social life such as inner drowsiness, me... Read more
These lectures were given one month before the opening of the first Waldorf School in September 1919, in the context of Germany's postwar social ferment. Steiner points to negative tendencies present in modern social life such as inner drowsiness, mechanization, and animalization. A true social solution must not only consider economics and legal rights but also the third element of the free spiritual life. "The great problem of the future will be education", he announces, and goes on to explain how only a proper nurturing of imitation, reverence, and love in the three periods of child development can prepare adults who are ripe to live the three virtues of a healthy social order: cultural freedom, legal equality, and economic brotherhood. These ideas are then connected to Steiner's threefold pictures of the human soul, economics, higher knowledge, and "physiognomic pedagogy". This new translation also includes three lectures, "The Social Basis of Public Education" (in German, the Volkspadagogik lectures), available in English for the first time. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 8.53 X 5.5 X 0.8 in
  • 288
  • September 1, 1997
  • English
  • 9780880104111
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