Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behaviors
by Rod Macdonald
2020-07-27 21:30:30
Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behaviors
by Rod Macdonald
2020-07-27 21:30:30
Do you sometimes scratch your head after interacting with a midlife potential suitor, wondering, "What could he possibly be thinking?" Especially if it's before, during or after a date with a man who presumably wants to impress you! Embracing Midlife...
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Do you sometimes scratch your head after interacting with a midlife potential suitor, wondering, "What could he possibly be thinking?" Especially if it's before, during or after a date with a man who presumably wants to impress you! Embracing Midlife Men: Insights Into Curious Behaviors focuses on better understanding midlife men's behaviors. When you grasp what's going on in his head it's much easier to embrace him. Men are wondrous creatures, so we need to understand them better and love them for who they are. It's easy to think that all men are like your ex- or late husband(s). Of course there are some similarities in many men, but your guy may have been very different than most - which can be either good or bad. You begin to generalize based on a few data points - the few men you've gone out with in your life. This book is full of lessons, stories, insights and advice from a fellow midlife woman - the Dating Goddess - who dated 91 men in 3.5 years after her 20-year marriage dissolved. Learn from someone who has approached reentering the dating pool with verve, humor, and a unique perspective. You'll enjoy your "date" with this book, learn some new things, reinforce others, and started your journey with vigor.