Famous Modern Ghost Stories
by Dorothy Scarborough 10 Sep, 2020
Why is it that some people do see ghosts and psychic energies (i.e. aura) while others can’t do this? In the theory, we can say that it’s impossible to see ghosts even if they exist because if most people can’t see them, yet they appear on p ... Read more
Why is it that some people do see ghosts and psychic energies (i.e. aura) while others can’t do this? In the theory, we can say that it’s impossible to see ghosts even if they exist because if most people can’t see them, yet they appear on photos and videos, then they must be visible in a specific light spectrum and our eyes are unable to pick it up. Therefore, people who do see ghosts must have something “wrong” with their eyes. But after checking this out, it’s clear to everyone their eyes are fine. So, the question remains. Allow me to present you with the most fascinating stories about this weird phenomena from this book. Come with me to enter the "supernatural" world. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 272.313 KB
  • 230
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1986905114
Emily Dorothy Scarborough (January 27, 1878 – November 7, 1935) was an American writer who wrote about Texas, folk culture, cotton farming, ghost stories and women's life in the Southwest. Scarborou...
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