fempreneur business planner (mint): a 6-month #biz planner for the #girlboss Celeste
by Bradley Designs
2020-05-04 04:51:47
fempreneur business planner (mint): a 6-month #biz planner for the #girlboss Celeste
by Bradley Designs
2020-05-04 04:51:47
278 pages! Developed by a #fempreneur just for other #bossbabes, this fresh, pretty planner was created with 12 different organizational pages and a unique dot grid bullet journal design to help you track your social media, calendar, daily bullet jou...
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278 pages! Developed by a #fempreneur just for other #bossbabes, this fresh, pretty planner was created with 12 different organizational pages and a unique dot grid bullet journal design to help you track your social media, calendar, daily bullet journal and #bosslady inspiration over 6 months.