From Powder Monkey to Admiral
by William Henry Giles Kingston
2021-01-19 06:50:49
From Powder Monkey to Admiral
by William Henry Giles Kingston
2021-01-19 06:50:49
A book for boys by W. H. G. Kingston needs no introduction. Yet a few things may be said about the origin and the purpose of this story.When the Boys'' Own Paper was first started, Mr Kingston, who showed deep interest in the project, undertook to wr...
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A book for boys by W. H. G. Kingston needs no introduction. Yet a few things may be said about the origin and the purpose of this story.When the Boys'' Own Paper was first started, Mr Kingston, who showed deep interest in the project, undertook to write a story of the sea, during the wars, under the title of "From Powder-monkey to Admiral."Talking the matter over, it was objected that such a story might offend peaceable folk, because it must deal too much with blood and gunpowder. Mr Kingston, although famed as a narrator of sea-fights, was a lover of peace, and he said that his story would not encourage the war spirit. Those who cared chiefly to read about battles might turn to the pages of "British Naval History." He chose the period of the great war for his story, because it was a time of stirring events and adventures. The main part of the narrative belongs to the early years of life, in which boys would feel most interest and sympathy.