Authors | Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, père (French for "father", akin to Senior in English), born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French au ... Read more

Books by Alexandre Dumas

Théatre Complet De Alex. Dumas, Volume 19: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Forty-five, Volumes 1-2...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Alexandre Dumas: Joseph Balsamo...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
L'arabie Heureuse: Souvenirs De Voyages En Afrique Et En Asie, Volume 3: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Half Brothers: Or, The Head And The Hand, Tr. By L. Lawford: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Mes Mémoires, Volume 1: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
La Boca Del Infierno,1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Romances Of Dumas, Volume 29...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Der Graf Von Moret: Historischer Roman Von Alexander Dumas, Volume 1...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Der Graf Cagliostro: Deutsch Von Fr. W. Bruckbeau, Volume 2: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Théâtre Complet De Alex. Dumas, Volume 7: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Maison De Glace: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Antonine, Volume 1: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Vicomte De Bragelonne, Volume 3: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Las Dos Dianas: Novela Escrita En Frances Y Traducida Al Castellano, Volumes 3-4: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Louves De Machecoul, Volume 2: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances, Volume 31 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
L'alchimiste: Drame En Cinq Actes, En Vers, Volume 1: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Antonine: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Works Of Alexandre Dumas, Volume 36: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Kean: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
El Caballero De Casa-roja...: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Companions of Jehu, Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances of Alexandre Dumas: D'artagnan Ed, Volume 34 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Whites and the Blues, Volume 2 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances of Alexandre Dumas: D'artagnan Ed - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Romances of Alexandre Dumas: D'artagnan Ed, Volume 36 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
Les Mousquetaires: Drame En Cinq Actes Et Douze Tableaux, Précédé De L'auberge De Béthune... - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Works of Alexandre Dumas, Volume 5 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas
The Vicomte De Bragelonne; Or, Ten Years Later, Volume 4 - Primary Source Edition: by Alexandre Dumas
by Alexandre Dumas