Gentle Measures
by Jacob Abbott 2021-02-01 01:05:08
Jacob Abbott, highly respected educator and social activist, wrote over 200 works for and about children. Yet this amazing oeuvre has been almost entirely forgotten. His most important work, Gentle Measures, originally published in 1871, became one o... Read more
Jacob Abbott, highly respected educator and social activist, wrote over 200 works for and about children. Yet this amazing oeuvre has been almost entirely forgotten. His most important work, Gentle Measures, originally published in 1871, became one of the most widely-read books on parenting. This wonderful volume, out of print for many years, is now available in a new edition. It brings Abbott's insight and sympathetic consideration once again to the public, and sheds light on long-misunderstood aspects of "Victorian" child-rearing. Abbott's historical "location" assures us of a fresh view. His great intellect, his careful measured tones, his humanitarian concern, all come through to us today across the divide of time. Indeed, this book is part of a large store of undervalued American literature, that still has much to say to the present generation. Written by an outstanding observer of human nature, this work will give parents and teachers a new perspective on the interactions between adults and children. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781932490015
Abbott was born at Hallowell, Maine to Jacob and Betsey Abbott. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1820; studied at Andover Theological Seminary in 1821, 1822, and 1824; was tutor in 1824-1825, and ...
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