by Various 2020-12-29 22:57:48
“On the Greek island of Ikaria, life is sweet . . . and very, very long. What is the locals’ secret?”from “The island of Long Life” by Andrew Anthony Few countries have received more media attention in recent years and even fewer have been ... Read more
“On the Greek island of Ikaria, life is sweet . . . and very, very long. What is the locals’ secret?”from “The island of Long Life” by Andrew Anthony Few countries have received more media attention in recent years and even fewer have been represented in such vastly divergent ways. There’s a downside to all this attention: everyone seems to have something final to say about Greece. News replaces people’s actual stories, impressions substitute facts, characters take the place of people. In this volume of The Passenger, we chose to set those opinions aside in order to give to the stories, facts, and people of Greece the dignity and centrality they deserve. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • August 13, 2020
  • eng
  • 9781787702714
Book content is as a result of a concerted effort and can therefore not be attributed to one particular author....
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