Hey! God, Was That You? : Coincidences from over Five Thousand Flight Hours and Forty-Four Years
by Ron Gluck 2020-07-09 14:30:27
In Hey! God, Was That You? author Ron Gluck, bush pilot and international relations liaison, glances back in time anecdotally revisiting flying, language gems, and conversation slices occurring from 1963 to 2007 in Papua New Guinea; Cameroon, Washing... Read more

In Hey! God, Was That You? author Ron Gluck, bush pilot and international relations liaison, glances back in time anecdotally revisiting flying, language gems, and conversation slices occurring from 1963 to 2007 in Papua New Guinea; Cameroon, Washington, D.C.; and New York City.

In this memoir, he narrates how he flew five thousand accident-free hours mostly in single- engine planes over uncharted mountainous terrain of Papua New Guinea and later in Cameroon—a safety he attributes to God’s grace and to quality aircraft maintenance by fellow JAARS specialists.

The incidents Gluck reveals are central to events that took place but were never scrutinized. Dismissed as coincidences at the time, these events were accepted just as “how things worked out.” In his review, Gluck highlights the workings of God in his life as a pilot and life in general. Hey! God, Was That You? asks, is not the living God, maker of heaven and earth, still involved in weather, ideas, timing, and answering prayers?

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 8.5x5.5x0.75inches
  • 282
  • WestBow Press
  • January 1, 2014
  • 9781490818696
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