Hidden Scars
by Tessa Rey 2020-07-26 19:27:05
Growing up in a small town and barely surviving abuse and teenage drinking, Tessa takes off for the US Air Force to change her life, but poor choices continue to haunt her with betrayals as she searches for that ever-elusive desire to be loved. She s... Read more

Growing up in a small town and barely surviving abuse and teenage drinking, Tessa takes off for the US Air Force to change her life, but poor choices continue to haunt her with betrayals as she searches for that ever-elusive desire to be loved. She starts a family; however, just when life seems to straighten out, drug abuse enters her home, and then physical illnesses start plaguing her. So begins a life of struggling to survive so she can raise her children. Given less than a year to live after a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer, she turns to the Lord. She is not prepared for the feelings of love and belonging she has missed all her life. After another divorce, she takes her children and moves back close to her hometown so that she can live in peace and raise her children. Tessa struggles with her relationship with her parents, and then after her younger sister commits suicide, her mothers words change her life forever. Tessa starts dealing with the scars she has kept hidden all these years. Hidden Scars is that journey of learning to live with those scars like tattoos on the soul so that she can be set free.

  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • January 26, 2018
  • English
  • 3bfa57a3-c9f4-4605-9111-adb573dfb1ff
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