How Fear Departed the Long Gallery: A Ghost Story for Christmas
by E.f. Benson 2021-02-01 08:21:02
Biblioasis is thrilled to continue this series of beautifully illustrated, collectible, classic Christmas ghost stories designed and illustrated by world-famous cartoonist Seth. In How Fear Departed the Long Gallery, for the Peverils, the appearance ... Read more

Biblioasis is thrilled to continue this series of beautifully illustrated, collectible, classic Christmas ghost stories designed and illustrated by world-famous cartoonist Seth. In How Fear Departed the Long Gallery, for the Peverils, the appearance of a ghost is no more upsetting than the appearance of the mailman at an ordinary house. Except for the twin toddlers in the Long Gallery. No one would dare be caught in the Long Gallery after dark. But upon this quiet and cloudy afternoon, Madge Peveril is feeling rather drowsy ...

  • ISBN
  • 9781771961943
Edward Frederic Benson (24 July 1867 – 29 February 1940) was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, archaeologist and short story writer.E. F. Benson was born at Wellington College in Berkshire...
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