How To Build High Performance IT Teams: Tips And Techniques That IT Managers Can Use In Order To Develop Productive Teams Jim Anderson Author
by Jim Anderson 2021-04-03 08:39:37
In order to be successful as an IT manager, you need to be able to show the company that under your leadership your team is able to deliver high quality products on time and under budget. If you want to have any chance of being able to pull this off,... Read more
In order to be successful as an IT manager, you need to be able to show the company that under your leadership your team is able to deliver high quality products on time and under budget. If you want to have any chance of being able to pull this off, then you are going to have to discover ways to build a high performance IT team. What You'll Find Inside: DOES YOUR TEAM KNOW THAT YOU APPRECIATE THEM? WHY IT MANAGERS NEED TO BUILD TEAMS THAT ALL GENERATIONS WANT TO WORK ON WHY FAILING JUST MIGHT BE THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO AN IT MANAGER THE 3 THINGS THAT YOUR TEAM REALLY WANTS FROM YOU The arrival of cloud technology now makes keeping your team together and informed that much easier. IT managers need to understand that not all of the challenges that they face are goig to require a team to solve. However, when a team is required, you are going to have to make sure that you have a good understanding of exactly what makes up a good team. If you want to interact with your team correctly, then you are going to have to first make sure that you have the correct skills that this is going to require. Something that too many IT managers don't realize is that their teams are constantly looking for feedback that tells them that you appreciate them. This is not hard to do and in some cases can be as simple as remembering to tell them thank you. I'm not sure that there is just one secret to building a high performance IT team. However, the most important thing that you are going to have to do is to make sure that your team attracts members from all generations - you're going to need all of them to get the job done. One of the most important skills that an IT manager needs to develop is the ability to talk with your team. By doing this correctly, you'll have a much better chance to discover just exactly what your team wants from you. This will also make it easier when you fail - and yes, you will fail because we all do. However, with the support of your team you'll be able to get right back up and keep moving forward. Less
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  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.16(d)
  • 78
  • CreateSpace Publishing
  • November 23, 2016
  • 9781540611628
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