Many businesses fail because of poor financial management
Many businesses fail because of no marketing strategy
All Businesses fail due to lack of sales!
In this book I show you why Self Perception is vital to the way you address your prospects
The Basics of your profession are actually complex skills and experiences that meld together to provide you with an effective methodology to get new business leads, sell and build relationships with these clients. These basics could be seen as;
problem identification decision making and problem solving
planning and strategy
coaching, counselling and mentoring change management interpersonal relations and communication performance evaluation and succession planning conflict resolution negotiation project management
What I will show you in this book is;
How to define “What” you are selling and “Who” you are selling to
How to STOP wasting time selling to the wrong people
How to identify prospects using Social Media and a marketing strategy
Provide you with 11 GOLDEN KEYS to raise your level of credibility
Show you the 6 MAGIC KEYS to Persuade Any Buyer
Explain the 6 MYSTICAL KEYS to Make Buyers Buy through a feeling of obligation
Define 10 GOLDEN RULES of How to Project an Awesome Charisma
How to develop YOUR KUDOS
And much more …