How to Stop Snoring Naturally M. Usman Author
by M. Usman 2021-04-03 09:25:58
Table of ContentsPrefaceSnoringChapter # 1: Snoring and its characteristicsChapter # 2: Health risks associated with snoringCauses of SnoringChapter # 3: Causes of SnoringChapter # 4: How you snore shows why you snoreNatural remedies to stop snoringC... Read more
Table of ContentsPrefaceSnoringChapter # 1: Snoring and its characteristicsChapter # 2: Health risks associated with snoringCauses of SnoringChapter # 3: Causes of SnoringChapter # 4: How you snore shows why you snoreNatural remedies to stop snoringChapter # 5: Tips to stop snoring naturallyChapter # 6: Bedtime remediesChapter # 7: Throat exercisesChapter # 8: Home remedies for curing snoringDealing with your snoring complaintsChapter # 9: Communicating with your partnerChapter # 10: Dealing with the snoring complaintsChapter # 11: Self defenseChapter #12: When to see a doctorConclusionReferencesAbout the AuthorPublisherPrefaceAround 45% of normal adults snore occasionally and around 25% are routine snorers. Though it may seem to be a normal problem, as it is very common, but it should not be taken carelessly, especially in case of habitual snorers, as it may be an indication of obstructed breathing.Now a days, there are many anti- snoring devices available in the market and every year more of them are added, promising to cure the snoring problem. Unfortunately, many of these devices are not backed by research or lab testing. Some of them may even require you to stay awake the whole night.However, there are plenty of proven techniques and natural remedies that can help in eliminating this problem instead of relying on these devices. In this eBook, we discuss snoring, sleeping disorders, what causes snoring, and natural remedies including home remedies to treat snoring. Apart from that, we also talk about how to deal with the snoring complaints and how to cooperate and ask your partner to support you in curing the problem. Less
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • Mendon Cottage Books
  • November 24, 2015
  • 2940152487565
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