From K-12 to corporate training settings--the Third Edition of Patricia Smith and Tillman Ragan's thorough, research-based text equips you with the solid foundation you need to design instruction and environments that really facilitate learning.
Now updated to reflect the latest thinking in the field, this new edition offers not only extensive procedural assistance but also emphasizes the basic principles upon which most of the models and procedures in the instructional design field are built. The text presents a comprehensive treatment of the instructional design process, including analysis, strategy design, assessment, and evaluation.
Highlights A new chapter on implementation contains practical suggestions and recommendations for putting designs to work. A new chapter on the management of instruction emphasizes project management concepts and tools relevant to instructional designers. Emphasizes theory, research, and the use of cognitive psychology in designing instructional strategies. Features examples of applications from a variety of contexts, including industry, K-12, higher education, and others. The accompanying Learning Resources website features exercises feedback, presentations, activities, job aids, chapters on production and delivery, and an updated and revised extended example. Exercises within the chapters provide opportunities for practice leading to learning real design skills.
Also available from Wiley/Jossey-Bass
Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Martha Stone Wiske, Kristi Rennebohm Franz
ISBN: 0-7879-7230-4